Who We Help

We select local nonprofits or national nonprofits with a presence in Northern Virginia, provided that our grant will serve residents  in our Northern Virginia-D.C. region. Since our donations are modest, usually in the $3,000 to $5,000 range, we choose nonprofits that can use our gift to make a significant difference to those it serves. Nonprofits must be registered as a public charity.  

At our most recent meeting on May 2, 2024, members chose to support Alexandria Tutoring Consortium. The Consortium trains volunteers who provide academic support to children in Kindergarten through Second Grade in the Alexandria Public School to help them attain age-level reading skills. 

For more information about Alexandria Tutoring Consortium and our other past recipients, please visit Our Impact.

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 1 , 2024, at 7:30 pm. You can attend either in person at a location to be announced, or virtually through a Zoom video call.

Register for the Zoom session here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You’ll receive an email with the link to the Zoom session a week before the meeting. 

See our Calendar of Events for details.

May 2024 Members Meeting In-Person